This picture was the cover of the Viewsonic Global Newsletter
Article for the monthly winner of the international CEWE Photo Award
Un vol reporté comme un coup de chance : L’histoire derrière la photo unique de Michael Mauron
Grâce à son incroyable photo de surf, le Suisse Michael Mauron remporte le prix mensuel international du CEWE Photo Award. Dans l’interview, il explique comment un vol décalé lui a permis de prendre cette photo et quels sont les défis que représentent de telles photos sportives.
Article about tips in sport photography
Michael Mauron: Sports photographer and athlete
How do I capture movement with my camera? With the tips from photographer Michael Mauron, you can take breathtaking sports photos. He is a passionate sportsman.
Exhibition Viewsonic ColorPro Awards "Rise"
Exhibition in UK and Taiwan for Viewsonic ColorPro Awards "Rise". This exhibition took place in London and Taipei to fuse art and technology in global creative endeavors.
My picture in the exhibition
Festival La Gacilly-Baden:
Exhibition in Austria in Festival La Gacilly-Baden. This photo festival is the largest in Europe. It takes place in Baden and stretches over 7 kilometres.