michael m photography web site


michael m photography bio picture

Hi, I'm Michael and I'm excited to share with you my passion for Landscape / Wildlife / Sport Photography. Through my pictures, I try to show you the beauty of our planet while remaining faithful to the reality in post-production. Actually, every location that I explore, near or far, will make me discover a new wonder that I want to immortalize for you!

I'm a 30 years old swiss guy living around Lausanne close to the Leman lake. This lake is a wonderful place in Switzerland and has already inspired many artists. I work as a teacher part time where I enjoy transmitting my knowledge to younger generations. This work is therefore giving me time for photography.

michael m photography author

My main goal in photography is to show you the loveliness and the richness of our planet, so that you want to develop a closer connection to the nature. In this context of global warming and the overexploitation of the resources available, a part of my work tends to create a feeling to protect our nature and the diversity of the species living in it by cherishing our planet. By sharing my pictures with you, I also hope to inspire you, to give you a taste to discover our world or to go for an adventure!


Being always attracted to discover the world, I jumped at the opportunity to go to Australia in order to improve my English in a school. By traveling in this spectacular country, I walked hours to explore every corner and to take pictures with an old compact digital camera. Every day was a meeting with a new landscape, a new wildlife or an unbelievable detail. That's how my passion for photography all started!

michael surfing

This year in Australia was also the trigger for a second passion; living close to the ocean, a friend suggested me to try surfing. From the first session, I was feeling so good only just being in the water. Moreover, it's an even better feeling to be one with a wave, a powerful and unpredictable element of the nature.

The logo of this website represents therefore my 3 passions that can be combined together: photography, nature and surfing.

michael m photography logo